Edited by Andrea Le Moli and Giorgio Armato
Please note that the essay "The Identity Conditions of Matter According to William of Ockham" previously published on this issue has been retracted by unappealable decision of Epekeina's Editorial Board.
Table of Contents
History of the Platonic-Aristotelian Tradition
La legge dell'armonia nella composizione degli elementi, tra immanenza e trascendenza | |
Laura Candiotto |
Plato's Physics of Meta | |
Andrea Le Moli |
What is the Value of Geometric Models to Understand Matter? | |
Françoise Monnoyeur-Broitman |
Matter as Contradiction | |
Marco Rincione |
Réceptivité et résistance de la matière au mouvement local | |
Eraci Oliveira |
Medieval Ontology
Aquinas against spiritual matter | |
Tomasz Stepien |
Vom Ding zur Ware | |
Thomas Telios |
Book Reviews
Laura Candiotto (a cura di), Senza dualismo | |
Giorgio Armato |
Awarded Essays
The Consolation of History. Kant on Cosmopolitanism | |
Jeremy Gauger |
Jean-Luc Nancy. La chance comunitaria: l’esposizione del «senza progetto» | |
Valentina Mascia |
ISSN: 2281-3209 DOI Prefix: 10.7408
Published online by CRF - Centro Internazionale per la Ricerca Filosofica - Palermo (Italy)
Registration Number at Palermo Courthouse n. 3402